Accurate translations
for your international success

Do you need translations that can be incorporated seamlessly into your
annual reports, manuals or website without requiring extra alignment work? Do you insist on top quality that meets your precise requirements?
Then you've come to the right place!

Why Gornik?


Certified translations

We are the first language service provider in Austria to be certified according to the stringent ISO standards 17100, 18587 and 20771. You are therefore assured of the highest quality translation services, machine translation post-editing and legal translations.


Efficient workflows

The efficiency of our processes guarantees that you will never again need to devote time and resources to the reworking of translations. Our workflows are structured in such a way that your departments and branches can review and approve texts efficiently while your digital and print advertising agencies directly adopt error-free translations.


Your advantages

Never again will you waste time reworking translations. You save time and money when you can rely on the kind of quality that drives your business internationally.

Choose accuracy, efficiency and quality.
Contact us today and find out how to ensure your translation processes
are every bit as professional as your international business activities.

Why Gornik?

Certified translations

We are the first language service provider in Austria to be certified according to the stringent ISO standards 17100, 18587 and 20771. You are therefore assured of the highest quality translation services, machine translation post-editing and legal translations.

Efficient workflows

The efficiency of our processes guarantees that you will never again need to devote time and resources to the reworking of translations. Our workflows are structured in such a way that your departments and branches can review and approve texts efficiently while your digital and print advertising agencies directly adopt error-free translations.

Your advantages

Never again will you waste time reworking translations. You save time and money when you can rely on the kind of quality that drives your business internationally.

Choose accuracy, efficiency and quality.
Contact us today to find out how to ensure your translation processes
are every bit as professional as your international business activities.



We undertake all necessary coordination for translations with reviewers in your branch offices, covering everything from initial training to deadlines.



In the event that you need to change or add to your source texts shortly before publication, rest assured that your changes will be incorporated into the final translation.



We always engage the same translators and editors for you, and we compile terminology and style guides in partnership. This way, we make sure the translated versions of your texts are completely consistent in terms of style and terminology.

Welcome to GORNIK translators for industry,
your specialist in accurate translations.

Why Gornik?

Exceptional translations

We are the first language service provider in Austria to be certified according to the stringent ISO standards 17100, 18587 and 20771. You are therefore assured of the highest quality translation services, machine translation post-editing and legal translations.

Exceptional workflows

The efficiency of our processes guarantees that you will never again need to devote time and resources to the reworking of translations. Our workflows are structured in such a way that your departments and branches can review and approve texts efficiently while your digital and print advertising agencies directly adopt error-free translations.

Your advantages

Never again will you waste time reworking translations. You save time and money when you can rely on the kind of quality that drives your business internationally.


Machine translation post-editing according to ISO 18587

Your text is pre-translated by means of AI before being fully post-edited by a qualified translator who specialises in your field of business.

This workflow, which combines traditional translation with machine translation and post-editing procedures to produce augmented translation, is especially attractive to long-standing clients: it promises the best of both worlds!


Translation and editing according to ISO 17100

Our project managers are the direct point of contact for our clients. In the course of many long-standing collaborations, we compile customer-specific style guides, termbases and translation memories.

Our translators also work for the same clients for years, adding to their knowledge as they go. They are as familiar with their specialist areas as the staff of any internal translation department.


Legal translations in line with ISO 20771

Even when faced with large-scale projects and fast turnaround times, our project managers keep their cool.

If a schedule is tight, we find a time-saving solution to make sure your translation is delivered on time, with all processing steps properly enacted in line with standards.


Think quality matters? So do we!

Book your free consultation